When you consume paper, you consume wood, water, and energy. Also, producing paper afresh has a severe impact on the environment compared to the cost. As a result, it is important to ensure that you make use of paper products as many ways as possible before they are sent to the recycle company. Here are some ways to reuse paper before throwing them away for recycling:
When you have the option of a digital copy, resist the urge to print. Also, if reading via a digital device gives you issues, adjust the brightness to your taste or buy an e-ink reader which is almost like reading a newspaper or paper print.
There are various apps on your phone with which you can take notes. This reduces paper use and notes on your phone stored online and less likely to get lost.
Rather than taking paper flyers for the next conference or fair, take a digital one and share to participants. A digital flyer posted on social media nowadays goes farther than a paper flyer.
The smartphone is really helpful in reducing paper waste. Hence, rather than printing your train ticket or flight ticket, you can use the e-ticket option and show your e-ticket before boarding.
Books are not made to be thrown away, but to be read and used. There is a big chance you have some books you do not need it again. You could donate to the library. Like it is done with toys, books can be given to the club or associations that give it out to people that need them. With yard sales, you also get to give other people the opportunity to read a book rather than disposing it off.
Instead of using a paper napkin or paper towels, use fabric towels or handkerchief. Paper towels and napkins are not recyclable. Hence, after use, they are disposed. In the US alone, 3 billion pounds of paper towels are used annually. While most paper towels are cheap and readily available in most US homes, they can be easily replaced. A sponge or a simple piece of cloth could be used as a paper napkin or a paper towel in most cases. This is a simple yet eco-friendly gesture! There are also ecofriendly cutlery options that can be reused many times.
These are simple things that can be implemented in your home and office that will reduce paper wastage and boost efforts aimed at paper recycling in Orlando.
We at Orlando Recycling will provide everything you need to know about paper recycling in Orlando and how we can help you achieve your recycling goals. Get in touch with us today for your paper recycling in Orlando. Call us on (407) 872-1595 or fill out a contact form for a free consultation.